Why Should I Hire a Marketing Agency for My Small Business?

As a small business owner it is important to develop a sound marketing campaign that will always attract new customers while continuing to build your relationship with current customers. If a business owner focuses on only one of those areas, there is the threat of losing potential customers which can leave your business vulnerable.

The question we are always asked is “how do we find new customers?”

We have the resources and the proven data to face one of the biggest challenges businesses have - finding new customers. We believe growing your relationship with current customers is just as important as finding new customers. In order to do that, an effective marketing plan is needed. Reality sets in with businesses, both large and small, where they can’t find the time or resources needed to help them execute a successful marketing plan.

As technology advances, trends continue to move towards the use of mobile devices, with a majority of time spent on mobile apps or websites such as Instagram and Pinterest. Creating brand awareness and marketing your brand across multiple platforms in crucial to targeting customers. Customer habits include researching and shopping online before they even think about going to a brick-and-mortar business. To be a successful business, you have to keep up with the trends and technology used in order to show customers why they should choose your business over competitors.

To lay all of these items out strategically, you need an experienced and dedicated marketing team who is there to help your small business grow, thrive in the marketplace and generate new leads. There are many benefits of hiring a marketing agency, because it takes commitment to update and keep in touch with customers across Facebook, Twitter and other marketing platforms every day. Marketing agencies, like Big Marlin Group, stay up to date with the latest trends and topics surrounding marketing and advertising.

A Marketing Campaign Strategy includes:

  • Evaluation of the Business and Industry
  • Development of Strategic Goals
  • Implementation of Appropriate Marketing Channels

    • PPC (Google Adwords or Google Grants)
    • Digital Marketing
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Email Marketing
    • Direct Mail
    • Print Advertising
    • Content / Blogging
    • Event Marketing
    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • Website Design, Development and Maintenance
    • Data and Customer Analysis
    • Graphic Design / Video

With the big rise in trending DIY projects, marketing for your small business is one you don’t want to do yourself. Marketing for any size company takes time away from focusing on other important aspects of your business. There are many elements involved in marketing such as graphic design, coding and content writing, that each business needs in order to market themselves effectively. At Big Marlin Group, we have a highly-trained team that specializes in programming, strategic marketing, creative design, and Google AdWords and Analytics, and more.

Hiring an employee to focus on your marketing efforts can seem enticing, but what many small business owners forget is not only the salary cost, but the additional overhead costs of having another employee without all the required skills. Hiring an outside agency to manage your marketing needs is usually less expensive and creates more value because of their expertise in the marketing field.

We’ve got the numbers to back it up! Hiring a single FT in-house Marketing Manager has been reported to be upwards of 150 percent more expensive than if hiring a marketing agency to support your marketing efforts. An agency has the experience and expertise to deliver successful marketing campaigns to bring back previous customers while attracting new ones.

If you are a small business owner that has questions or simply wants more understanding of the amount of work it can take to run a successful marketing campaign, please contact us at Big Marlin Group. We are here to answer your questions and show you what it takes to achieve your business goals.

Marketing with Your Goals in Mind

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