6 Ways To Market Your Blog Posts

So you write blogs for your business with the best possible content to attract your followers, but you notice that you aren’t getting any response back from them. Marketing your blogs can be one of the best and cheapest things you could do for your company. The question everyone asks is, “how do I get people to read it?”

The only way people can read your posts is if people see them! It’s important that you give them every outlet to be able to view your new, amazing content. The first thing you need to do is create a marketing strategy and define the objectives to help you reach your goals. Now let’s look at some ways that you can boost your content so your followers read it.

Social Media Bios

You may think that many people don’t pay attention to bios on Instagram or Twitter. But what people don’t know, is that it is one of the first things people view when they visit your social media page.

For business pages, you have the option of adding, at most, two buttons to your bio where you can add in your website URL, Phone Number, and even directions to your store location.  Giving users direct access to your links makes it easier for them to get to the page they want to and allows you to direct them to a page you want them to see, in this case your blogs.


Depending on how much time you dedicate each month to blogs, you can continue to reach your audience by sending out a monthly or weekly eBlast stating the recent blogs you have written with direct links to them.

When you send out your eBlast, assume that your readers have not heard about your new blogs. This gives them another chance to visit your site and to also remember who you and your business are. The people on your email list have opt-in to view your content, so give your readers what they want.


LinkedIn allows all users, whether on a business profile or personal, to share and write articles that their followers are able to view. If you are on your personal profile and writing the article you have on your website, make sure that you have the appropriate links that will get users back to your website. It’s important to post content on both the business or personal profiles to reach all followers who may be interested in your content and the information you are sharing.


There are three places on Facebook that your blogs should be shared:

The first is on your Business Facebook page. The should be the first place that you place your blog to your followers to view.

The second would be through your employees. Once your blog is posted through your business page, employees and friends can then share, comment, or like the post. By your employees doing this simple step, it shows up on a timeline where others can see their activity.

Lastly, is through Facebook Groups. Joining Facebook Groups can be a huge advantage for your business. Take the time to comment and respond to other followers of the groups you are involved in.


Although Twitter has a character limit, you can still get your point across that you have a new blog up to your followers. Since the average tweet lasts about 4-6 seconds on your follower’s feeds, it is important that you cycle through posts by posting about the blog multiple times with 1-2 days of releasing your blog to be reached by your readers.


With Instagram, you have to be able to capture the reader’s attention right away, and the first thing you can do is to have a captivating photo. This photo, or multiple photos, that you share in your post should speak a little about what the blog is about.

At Big Marlin Group, we create an image with every blog we post on Instagram. We post at least 4 blogs a month, and to show that we have a new blog out, we keep our images consistent so users know when we post a blog. Each photo is made by using Canva and the only words on it are the title of the blog.

Take the time to get the word out about your blogs. The content you write is important to your followers and can be of great help to more people than you think! These six platforms should the basis of getting your word across to your followers. If you need help branding or marketing your blog, Big Marlin Group finds creative ways to make your business stand out from the rest. Give us a call today at (480) 381-1154, you won’t regret it!

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